Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Is the Grass Greener

Is it just me or does the grass seem to grow faster this year?  Could it be that we’ve seemingly had more rain falling this spring? Or is it that I am beginning to suffer from the “Old-man-with-a-riding lawn mower” syndrome. Everyone knows an old man somewhere with his riding lawn mower who started out mowing his lawn once a week to keep his lawn tidy that has evolved into the person who mows twice a week because some of his grass grows faster and the lawn has become untidy. I’m beginning to feel those “untidy urges” but so far they are being held at bay by the higher cost of gasoline.

It may also be a feeling that I don’t have enough time sitting in the seat of my lawn mower. I used to mow my old neighbor’s lawn while I had my mower out. They were an older couple and it only took a little more time and fuel to mow there grass as well. That way both of our lawns looked well kept.

Since they have passed away a new much younger couple has bought the yellow brick ranch house. As a courtesy while they were moving in and were getting settled, I continued to mow their lawn too because they were busy and it only took a bit more of my time. I mowed their lawn maybe three times before the husband told me that I didn’t need to mow any more. He had his lawn mower now and could do it. I’d already cut a swath across his front lawn and I said “Let me finish the front of the house. I won’t do the back.” He consented.

I can’t figure out whether I’m missing the saddle time on my mower or whether that old man syndrome arises when I see the sunny faces of dandelion bloom appearing in my yard that causes me to watch the weather channel prophets to make decisions about my battle plan to determine the day of the assault on my lawn. Sometimes I withhold the itching of my trigger finger until it coincides with a dry day when I drive my John Deere “tank” over the grassy terrain to cut down the tall green enemy.

 I wish I had the same overwhelming desire to break out my weed whacker and tackle the high grass and weeds at the edges of my property where I can’t cut with my lawn mower. I think to myself, “Do I want to dig the weed whacker out of storage and pack it around?” Riding my mower is one thing, but I don’t believe I was cut out for the infantry.

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