Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Recognizing Miracles

Have you ever taken the time to stand back and really look at the time as the day passes by or by reviewing the occurrences at the end of the day and evaluating what has happened? Small incidents will appear that can only be described as miracles. They will often emerge from the jumbled thoughts of the day if you look for them. Pick out each oasis of blessing, take note of them, and thank God for those precious moments. It may be as small as finding the spot where you placed the phone or getting a call or text from someone unexpected. How about meeting someone you haven’t seen in ages while you’re out shopping or when a stranger holds the door open or gives a cheerful greeting. How about when you’re in a hurry and the traffic is molasses slow? You’re grousing about how you’ll be late and yet a mile down the road there’s an accident from which the delay has saved you.

There are times that you miscount the stair treads and almost fall but are able to catch yourself. Older people break more easily and the recovery from a near fall is both a blessing and a miracle. Sometimes the daily chores sap your strength and you’re absolutely sure that there’s no way to continue, but a sudden burst of energy carries you through. That certainly could be certainly considered a miracle.

You may not consider having a flat tire while you’re driving is a blessing, but if it would have occurred a mile ahead or a mile back, it could have been disastrous and put you in jeopardy. It may be finding a parking spot near the front door of a business while it’s raining. What about leaving the house and forgetting your checkbook or the shopping list and returning home only to find you left the stove on or if you receive an important phone call as soon as you step inside, coincidence? I prefer to think of them as miracles. Maybe they aren’t the size of the parting of the Red Sea, but they are blessings none-the-less that God has sent your way. Have you ever been the recipient of a “pay it forward” or finding money in your dryer or on the ground…manna from heaven.

Take the time to review your day, looking for the blessings and be truly grateful for each and every one of those God-given miracles.


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