Monday, April 13, 2020

Until We Meet Again
I first met my wife Cynthia Morrison at the wedding of my cousin Alan Bottomley and his wife-to-be Gloria. It was also the very first wedding I attended where I was a member of the wedding party. I was to be the best man. I’d only seen weddings from a distance in the audience and had never been an integral part of the chosen few. Now I was to be the lead person of the male back-up team. I wasn’t that young at the time and must have been in my early twenties. I’d never given a speech before an audience other than as a kid in church Christmas recitals or in high school in speech class. I was nervous.
I’d also been given the chore of carrying the bride’s wedding band. Not so big of a deal, right? Not so, I was nervous that I might drop Gloria’s ring and what made it a big deal was that very close to the spot I was to stand was a large, in the floor-mounted heating grate. It’s dark maw seemed as though it was waiting to swallow up any misstep I might make as I retrieved the gold band and transferred it to Alan’s waiting hands.
Cynthia, Cindy as she preferred to be called, was an usherette. She had people sign the guest book and other small tasks. I talked with her and the rest of the wedding party as we mingled for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, but it wasn’t until the wedding was over and we were at the reception that we really had any more interactions.
I have always liked to tease people, usually in a good way but I’m sure I’ve irritated a few folk who didn’t like my puns or small tricks. As we sat at the bride’s table and my speech was over, I began to tease her. I don’t remember what I said in my best man speech. To be honest, I barely remember much more of my interactions with her of the rest of the actors in the wedding.
I scarcely recall that Cindy kicked off her shoes because her feet hurt and I kicked them away in opposite directions. She’d have to search for them. Much later, I found out that several people saw the comfortable way Cindy and I were mingling and socializing. Others thought we were already dating. Her best friend Deborah Firestone Detar saw it too and decided that we should have a blind date, but I’ll let our ride on the Gateway Clipper for another time.

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