Friday, June 28, 2019

It becomes terrible realization when a person begins to age and feels the effects of decay on their body. What was once so easy to do, have now become an adventure. Bones become brittle, joints become less mobile, muscles weaken, and the brain fogs. Time has a way of wearing on any living creature and has us recall their youth. Sometimes there is a desire to cast off the wisdom gathered from those learning and growing years to be able to frolic like a colt in springtime. Or to feel the yearning to retain the energy and stamina of a small child that still resides inside our aging shell.
Perhaps it is why God has allowed that desire to turn to him; that hope for something better than what we’ve become, a passion to regain the body that he designed as perfect for us. That is the body we shall gain when we are transported to heaven.
The decay was earned when Adam and Eve rebelled against God’s will and hearkened to the temptation of Satan. The taint of the fruit from the tree of knowing good and evil changed our perfect bodies that were created to live forever. I believe that the elements in that fruit changed mankind’s DNA, just like radiation can alter mankind’s genes.
Satan lured God’s creation, mankind, into committing the very same act of rebellion that caused God to exile Lucifer from an exalted post in heaven and cast him to earth. Satan beguiled the woman telling her the “ye shall be as gods.” He tempted them to sin. He wanted God’s perfect creatures to revolt against God’s will. Satan wanted to corrupt and destroy all of God’s creation. Satan’s anger is still directed at God and he attempts to thwart God’s will at every turn.
God has given mankind a gift of rejuvenation. Although the body will weaken, decay, and die, God sent his Son Jesus Christ to shed his blood on the cross at Golgotha to give us a second never-ending life in a perfect body. A eternal body that will never decay. The gift is free, the gift of a loving Father to his creation. Christ became the payment for the sin debt.God created Hell for Satan and those angels which chose to follow him in rebellion. The pit has been enlarged to accommodate mankind that chooses to live in sin and to continue to revolt and reject Christ as their redeemer.Are you tired of the aches and pains? There is a cure. God offers this gift freely.

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