Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Shooting off My Mouth
Over the past few days I have had a running argument with two people who feel that guns need to be regulated and restricted. I am vehemently opposed to yielding any rights that are constitutionally guaranteed. Our forefathers and framers of the Constitution decided to allow the common people to keep and carry guns. Upon these rights our Republic was founded. At the time of its inception, weapons were equal to those the government held in their arsenal. There was no quibbling whether the weapons were to be used as protection or for hunting; it was the right of the citizen to bear arms.
The two naysayers’ argument was that guns were made for killing. I tried to explain that guns were created for protection. Guns were designed to protect oneself, one’s family, and one’s possessions. The gun was to intimidate the person invading to think twice about entering another person’s home or threatening to rob or harm the person’s kin.
Guns were also created to make it easier to provide food for their family. The hunter no longer had to rely on throwing rocks, sticks, or trapping. A bullet travelled much farther than shooting an arrow or throwing a spear. Larger and more dangerous game animals were more easily dispatched to provide protection or to add food to the larder.
I tried to explain that a gun was only a tool. If it was used to kill another human being it was because the person wielding the gun chose an evil pathway to slay another person. The reasoning behind the event might be jealousy, robbery, or just the wickedness of a warped mind.
A person’s heart is a fickle and unreliable thing. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” That means a man can reason to do anything if he relies on his own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 warns, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Without the morals of an absolute truth, a person can rationalize anything and it’s not necessary to have a gun to commit murder. Cain used a rock or a club. Now men have “advanced” finding new ways to murder. Even the unborn is unsafe from forceps and a vacuum.

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