Friday, September 7, 2018

Lugs, Hugs, and Ughs
So much packed into two days, I’ve been busy. Wednesday, before the monthly reunion and meal with the retired nurses from H. C. Frick Community Hospital in Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania, I drove to my local tire shop to get two new front tires that had worn down to the wear bars. While I was there, they discovered that I had a defective tire sensor gauge for my tire pressure. My next stop was at the bank. My pocket money was running short. I also mailed a large souvenir book of photos to another historical society in Lower Paxton County.
I couldn’t drive to Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania without shopping at Wal-Mart. As I pushed my cart down an aisle, three ladies were greeting each other with hugs. I said, “Oh, I arrived too late. The hugging is over.” They laughed and I got three hugs. Smiling, I made my way to the luncheon with my fellow retired nurses. I shared a poem of Haiku about us. Most of them laughed as they read it, because we nurses are thoroughbreds.
pastured thoroughbreds

together for feeding time

retired nurse luncheon

 I went home to unload my groceries and to grab a break before Wednesday evening prayer services.
Thursday was my early morning doctor’s appointment at the urologist’s office. All of my blood work and my urinalysis were good and my PSA was lower than last year. As usual, I didn’t escape without the digital exam. On the way home, I needed some parts to make repairs on my basement wood burner for the upcoming snow and cold season and stopped to order them. I have oil heat, but I like the steady warmth of a wood and coal heat.
I returned to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items for an upcoming trip. Snacks and something to drink were on my list. I always find something else and left with a larger hole in my pocket than I’d anticipated. It was on to pick up my granddaughter Hannah. Because of the heat she only had school until 1 pm. I’m glad I stopped to pick up her booster seat. Her school building had changed from last year. She was hungry and so was I, so we made a stop at Dairy Queen.
She was congested and coughing from a recent cold. Back at her home, it was naptime for her and television for me. I was too exhausted to attend a writer’s meeting and headed back to my house when I was relieved of duty by Daddy Eric.

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