Monday, September 3, 2018

Well, it’s Labor Day and so many thoughts from the word labor rush into my head. There are items on my things-to-do list for neglected chores around my house or the daily and weekly chores of mowing the lawn, laundry, cooking, and cleaning. Or sharing my post card collection, my thoughts for my journal, or Bible verses that I read.
I am reminded of the hours of labor for my wife Cindy as she brought into this world our 3 children, Amanda Yoder, Andrew Beck, and Anna Elizabeth Prinkey. I’m also reminded that their labor has produced 3 granddaughters so far, Celine Beck, Moriah Beck, and Hannah Yoder. Although there were problems in birthing, they are here and precious.
I look back on the many years of labor in my professional life and marvel at each step I’ve taken, but the really amazing thing is how quickly those days of learning and laboring have sped by. The good days seem to outweigh the days of drudgery and upset, although those days make the good ones great and the great ones outstanding in my memories.
Sharing my memories is in a way labor intensive, but I want to share my history with my readers and my family before I can no longer remember or I answer the Grim Reaper’s knock. The old hymn, “Work for the night is coming when man’s work is done,” mirrors my thoughts.
I’m ashamed that I didn’t labor as much as I should have for the Master. Drawn aside by the world, I was caught up in the labors of daily tasks and worldly ideas to the neglect of family devotionals, reading my Bible, and praying. I have been struggling to make up for lost time. I’m not perfect as some of my friends have pointed out, but isn’t that why Jesus came to Earth, to heal the sick and to create a way for mankind to reside in Heaven with the triune God?
The Labors of Jesus lasted for thirty-three years, doing the will of his Father. He suffered at the hands of the very people he came to free from sin to the point of being crucified and shed his blood as the perfect sacrifice for imperfect people like me.
Many people labor under false ideas taught by false teachers that misrepresent and misinterpret the truths of the Bible. Jesus tells us to labor to show ourselves knowledgeable with the truths of Scripture and the only way to do that is to read the words and compare it with what the speaker is saying.
Have a great Labor Day. Enjoy the time God has given you. Give some time back to him.

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