Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Choose Me
It is the freedom to choose that makes mankind different from the animal and was the freedom to choose that caused the fall of mankind. In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam the freedom to eat of every tree in the garden except one. It was the only limitation that God gave to mankind. God walked with Adam and Eve every day. In the cool of the evening God strolled through the garden and fellowshipped with them. Adam named all of the animals and plants that surrounded him and God saw that it was good. Satan was subtle and approached Eve. He twisted God’s word about the forbidden fruit and beguiled her into taking a bite. When she did, her eyes were opened and she was aware of sin. She took the fruit to her husband and shared the fruit with him. Adam named all of the plants. I’m sure he recognized the fruit and yet he chose to disobey God and also ate of the forbidden fruit. It was his choice to obey God or to disobey God. Since then mankind has tasted death and had to deal with sin in the world.
Mankind still has to make that choice today. God gave mankind the freedom to choose. The person must choose whether to follow God’s word or follow the path to self-destruction. Will a person choose to smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs? Will a person choose to marry or not to marry?  Will a person choose to buy a car or to buy a house? Will a person choose to have a family or not.
Today there are choices that are being foisted on the American public as being acceptable when they are in direct contradiction to God’s word. The Bible tells that men shouldn’t wear women’s clothing and women not to wear men’s attire. Same sex partners are also forbidden. Sex outside of marriage is also decried and wrong. Murder is another taboo, and yet there are those who have changed the wording to “Pro-choice” in an attempt to make the killing of infants more palatable. Pedophilia is another evil forbidden by God’s word. It would be better for the person who harms a child to have a millstone tied to his neck and cast into the ocean.
The most important choice is whether or not you accept the gift of salvation or not. Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior is the difference between spending an eternity in Heaven or Hell. The choice is yours. Decide before it’s too late.


  1. May I recommend a small book to you? Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly addresses the freedom of choice and how life can be enriched by making wise decisions.

  2. Enjoy hearing from a fellow writer. Belonged to Scottdale Writers Group prior to my husband's passing. Will be getting back to book reviews for Mature Living soon.
