Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Recession Depression Revisited
The panic from the Corona 19 virus whether from the virus itself or the promotion of its virulence, has caused a worldwide uproar. The shutdown of businesses, travel, and the quarantine of workers has caused an intense impact on families, here in the United States and in countries all around the planet. Its intrusion into everybody’s existence is nearly unbelievable.
Before the C19 collision with civilization, there were media reports on children going to bed hungry. Many organizations existence was solely based on reaching out to them and supplying their needs. Relief organizations gathered donations and sent food stuffs to curtail those starving in foreign lands. Their herald pierces many generous hearts and the donations have eased the suffering and diminished its torment.
Now, the shutdown and quarantine has ripped the bandage off this terrible wound. Hunger again will gain the upper hand. Starvation isn’t sudden exsanguinations, but rather the slow death drawn out over many weeks and months. The loss of products and finances in the homes of the United States will hasten a severe impact all over the world.
Forty percent of deaths from the Corona Virus in America occur in nursing homes. Old age homes are where Americans warehouse and stockpile the elderly who have “outlived their usefulness.” Would the incidence of death have been lessened if we cared for our elderly as do our Amish friends and neighbors? It is reported sunshine and fresh air has a major impact in defeating C19. The elderly are for the most part kept inside, often isolated in their rooms. Even with the “protective barriers” in place, the caretakers move from one client to another. Unless the caretaker, which is impossible, showers and has a complete change of clothing and shoes, viruses and germs will be transferred from one person to another.
I know that I am older, 71 years old to be exact, but I don’t fear death. I don’t relish the thought of ending my life tight now, but I do know that I’d rather pass into eternity in a quicker death than a long drawn out wasting away from starvation.
Politicians have changed our onetime masked cowboy hero’s television introduction of, “A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty Hi-Yo Silver! The Lone Ranger!” into “With a virus curse, a cloud of fear, and a home alone order, they take our jobs away and steal our silver.”

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