Monday, April 27, 2020

Fact, Fake, Fantasyland
Whether it’s fact, fiction, or a mixture of both this quarantine from the Covid19 virus is wreaking havoc and devastation on nearly every person in the United States other than the paid politicians. They’re still drawing a salary, paid from our taxes and imposing their will on us. Many Americans will lose their homes and face financial ruin. Small businesses are failing and can’t get bailout loans…unless they’ve already obtained a loan from that bank. Many businesses never took a loan and aren’t eligible. I’m just going to share some sarcastic remarks to lighten this heavy post.
Beauty salons may curl up and dye. Barber shops will feel cut off and have to shave their expenses. Carpenters are cutting corners and feel nailed to the wall. Electricians are shocked at their lost charges. Manicurists feel rebuffed and know that they’re being clipped. Plumbers are feeling drained and hose piped. How about the jeweler who’s chained with bailout promises and left with an empty ring? Bars left with mixed thinks and feel all tapped out. Liquor stores having bad spirits and whine because of lost revenues. Cruise lines starting to go under, awash with debt having no smooth sailing and risk sinking. Then there are florists who can no longer branch out because they’ve been nipped in the bud?  How about boot shops that are told to heel and can’t march on. Athletic stores who can no longer run and are now not good sports. What about print shops that are being discarded, then having their shirts ripped off their backs? Restaurants feel their goose is cooked and can’t take off with only take out; their servers are out of work and waiting around. Farmers can’t reap what they sow and many are straying far afield.
Then there are craft shops told not to sell material things, masked by intrusive rules. What about strip joints that can no longer bare the government’s song and dance; casinos that can’t spin the wheel of chance, their other games only shoot craps. Taylors seam to be just sew-sew and having fits. Sports teams; football’s fumbling, baseball’s striking out, hockey’s left holding the short end of the stick, wrestling’s taken to the mat while on hold, boxing’s acting punchy round after round, race drivers are no longer on track, and soccer teams getting kicked in the seat of their pants.
Tanning salons are seeing the light but are still turning pale. Cycle shops are barely keeping their wheels spinning and may have to peddle their wares elsewhere. Airlines may crash with their wings clipped. But bankers are gathering interest. Abortion clinics are still making a killing. Toilet paper manufacturers are on a roll and bringing up the rear and politicians are still living off tax payers’ dollars.

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