Monday, February 19, 2024

 There’s Snow Way
After a pleasant touch of several warm days and the astute assurance from Punxsutawney Phil, I was hoping that the worst of the cold and snow winter weather was being seen in the rearview mirror, it was not to be so. Saturday I woke to six inches of fluffy snow that was being pushed by a very brisk wind. The chilly temperature of twenty-eight degrees with a chill factor of ten degrees Fahrenheit didn’t thrill me. It’s not my cup of tea.
As is my usual habit to clean out my driveway or I couldn’t rest. The habit to have ab open drive started when I had kids in the house and was never sure when an emergency might arise. Donning my snow boots and heavy winter coat, I braved the elements. Grabbing my trusty snow shovel, I cleared the sidewalk to my driveway then shoveled along one side of my car to the end of my drive. I attacked the plowed collection of snowplowed drift piled at the end of my drive by the salt trucks. Other than the jumble at the end of my drive, the snow was fluffy. I knew that drifts would grow higher if I tossed the snow on my side of the road, so I carried each shovelful across the road to dump in an empty field.
Because of the cold, I divided the clearing of my drive into three sections. The first was directly behind my car, slightly wider than my vehicle then went in for a cup of hot tea and to warm my fingers. The next attack was the space beside my car to allow someone to barely pull off the road if they chose to visit. My third assault was to extend that space so someone could actually park their vehicle, even if they drove a pickup truck. I’m praying that the snowplows don’t block me in for church Sunday morning and undo all I’ve done.
I don’t particularly like the cold and snow, but if the wind dies down and the temperature warms a bit, I may break out a pair of cross country skis that I picked up several years ago. I tried them a few times until the ski boots literally fell apart. Recently I was able to buy another pair at a thrift shop. What can I say? I’m frugal. My kids call me cheap, but after paying all of my bills I usually have a bit of money at the end of the month to buy groceries.

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