Friday, August 11, 2023

The Belt May Be Slipping
I’m not missing a cog…YET, but the belt that powers my machine’s brain is certainly slipping. All this week I have been either one day ahead or one behind. Not only was I thinking a Wednesday was a Tuesday, but today I almost missed an appointment with my dietician because I marked the appointment on my pocket calendar, but also in my cell phone reminder that it was for Friday. Alex my dietician called a few minutes after the time of my appointment and asked if I missed it and did I want to reschedule. I said, “No I can be there in about 15 minutes as long as it doesn’t interfere with another appointment.” When we agreed to keep the appointment, but a bit late, he said not to rush. I laughed and said that he was the Russian. That’s because his mother country is Russia. I’m sure he groaned, but was too much of a gentleman to admit it. I made it to his office and we focused on ways to improve my diet.
My cholesterol filled meals seem to be lessening, but he’s still not pleased with my carbohydrate consumption. If I can develop better habits there, it will help to control my blood sugars and my weight. I’m an insulin-taking diabetic. There is one thing that I’m glad about; I only have to inject myself once each day. Another blessing is that the needles have advanced to a 32 gage. That is a very thin needle. They are also only 4 mm long.
Giving myself injections was one of the reasons I never wanted to use insulin, but when I was told that insulin was necessary, I acquiesced. As Naval corpsman and a nurse, I’ve seen some of those needles we had to use. But some of longer and larger bore needles are necessary to inject thick medications deep into the muscle tissue where the medication can be absorbed properly. Other large bore needles are necessary to start intravenous fluids and medications. When a person needs large amounts of fluids, a smaller needle just won’t do. If a person has lost a lot of blood, copious amounts of fluids and replacement blood must be rapidly infused to save their life.
I’m praying that I can get my brain back on the right track next week, but I doubt it. The next few weeks will be eaten up with picking vegetables and canning them and in the confusion, I will probably lose track of time again. Any housecleaners/ secretaries available? I’m liable to need booth.

1 comment:

  1. So you are an insulin dependent diabetic, too. I require injections twice per day. Wouldn't wish this aliment on my worse enemy. Lots of soups and salads help control carb intake.
