Monday, June 26, 2023

Is Imprinting the Answer?
When a creature is first born, it more often than not will form an attachment to whatever it first sees. It will follow that person or animal as if it is their mother. It’s in the early stages of life that a bond is formed. It’s the time when the new born begins to learn how to walk, feed, and communicate. It’s a time when thought patterns that will rule the creature’s life are shaped. It’s a time when the instincts and habits are created. Especially if the mother rejects the newborn and a surrogate animal nurtures and cares for it. Surrogate mothers can be the same breed or an entirely different species, but that doesn’t matter to the infant being cared for. If a chick is raised by a duck, that chick will nearly drown itself trying to swim after the mother duck. Why? That chick thinks it’s a duck.
A child imprints on a human mother, learning to walk, talk, and being potty trained by the mom or caregiver. Sometimes young men cling to the feminine motherly image and do not develop manly traits. Why? Could it be an attitude of acceptance from the mother and not redirecting the male child’s choices? Mothers need to be able to nurture without encouraging a boy’s misdirected thoughts.
I do not mean to entirely blame the mothers. Often there is no male model for the boys to emulate. A single parent home is often lacking the yin and yang type relationship which both boys and girls have a need to be exposed. Two mothers or two fathers were not the design of God. Nor is the family with multiple wives of a male or multiple husbands to one wife. Although the Bible has many examples of multiple parenting, they are far from good examples. The infighting from family members, jealousy, and greed are often the results. Are these things at the core of gender confusion?
Satan’s desire is to weaken the family. He is using our Federal government to push his agenda. It started years ago when Uncle Sam discouraged fathers from being in the home paying mothers to care for out-of-wedlock children. The government became the child’s daddy providing food, shelter, and medical care. Another step was taken when the government took taxpayers money to pay for aborting future generations and shattering families. When we thought it couldn’t get worse for families, the government is now promoting gender confusion and introduction to sexual perversions into our public schools. The schools have become indoctrination centers for pedophiles, completely circumventing the parent’s rights to train up a child and removing the moral foundations that America once held dear. 

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