Wednesday, August 18, 2021

     Peppered With Assaults

A nation’s worst nightmare is to have its very foundation chipped away. The foundation stones upon which America was created have been slowly weakened to the point that they have lost their power and can barely be recognized today. Many of the laws that have protected Americans from the ever intrusive grasp of tyrannical politicians have been stripped of their strength. They’ve been systematically weakened or removed altogether. Too often Liberal courts and judges have twisted well-meaning laws into something unrecognizable.

States have given over their Constitutional rights and yielded too much of their responsibility to a centralized national government. Ideas that should be tried at the state level to fulfill the needs of each individual state are now being forced on us by lawmakers in Washington DC in a “one size fits all” policy that may not accomplish what it was intended. Small rural communities may chafe and wither under laws designed for larger states and cities.

If ideas aren’t given trial runs at the state level before the laws are enacted nationwide and if those ideas fail, what is our recourse? What would be necessary to undo the damage that has already occurred? Who will settle the confusion and chaos to remove the damage of this failure?

When our language, our borders, and our culture are removed, we will cease to be a country. When politicians advance an ever increasing budget; taxes continue to rise, inflation and bankruptcy will ensue. When traditional leadership is weakened or becomes shattered, America will end up on the ash heap. Our freedoms will become only a brief mention in history.

Immigrants came to our shores to escape tyranny and most with nothing more than clothes on their backs, hope, a dream, and strong work ethic. They converted those ideals into productive lives and citizenship. It seems that these ideals have fallen to the wayside with the help of Leftist leaning hacks. The politicians want Americans to give up all of their rights. They would strip freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to bear arms by altering the privilege of “one vote for one citizen.” It seems that they prefer to have Americans be reduced to tax-paying servants who are left with primal instincts to survive. By increasing taxes, politicians increase their own power while increasing Americans’ dependence on the government that causes an increased misery for all Americans.

We need to wake up. Our country and our freedoms are under continual assault. It is necessary for us to stand firm. We must understand once we yield to the yoke of a tyrannical government, we may never have another chance to rid ourselves from those shackles.


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