Monday, May 24, 2021


Personal Prayers and Petitions

The Bible tells us to pray continually, without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Its pages list many things we should be praying for and about. One that seems most unusual is God’s word telling us to pray for our enemies. He also tells us to love our enemies. He doesn’t tell us to love the things they do, but to love the person. We know Christ suffered severe, violent torture and intense pain before being hung to die on a cruel cross. One of the last words that Jesus uttered was, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34.)

The Bible tells us to pray for the lives of our leaders. It doesn’t say if you agree what he or she is doing. God has placed them in a place of authority for a reason. (Ezra 6:10) We need to evaluate our own vision and understanding to understand why God has lifted this leader up.

We should be praying for the church, not just our congregations, but for fellow believers found in the body of Christ. When I wake and find I have difficulty falling back to sleep, I get specific and pray for each person in my church, going from pew to pew. I try to remember if they’ve had specific requests for prayers in the past. I find it’s a far better solution than counting sheep. It’s more productive and makes me a more compassionate person. Many times I drift off to sleep without ending the prayer with “amen.” I’m sure God understands because he tells us that we should pray one for another. James 5:16

We should be praying for lost souls and for missionaries as they make attempts to spread the Gospel. The lost may be local; neighbors, workmates, and even family. If you know that they are unsaved, our petitions should include them.

God tells us specifically to pray for Jerusalem and Israel. The Jews are His chosen people. They are the apple of His eye. It’s difficult to understand the intense hatred of them. Satan is at enmity with God and by extension, with His chosen people.

There are specific missionaries that I pray for, one family in Greenland, two in Haiti, one family in Myanmar, and one in the Carolinas. I pray for America and for a revival of hearts with souls being drawn to the Gospel message. I pray for hedges to be placed around my loved ones, friends, and our church congregation as well as our pastors.

One thing I’ve been finding out. It’s necessary for me to pray for myself: health, strength, guidance, and wisdom. Who’s in your prayers today?

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