Monday, May 17, 2021


Marvelous Sight

With so much in bloom around the area of my home, how can I think of any other word but marvelous. The blossoms on the trees have almost all but gone, but the tiny beginnings of fruit decorate the tips of the branches. A soft pinkish blush colors the wee orbs of apples and even the wild cherries. My lilacs are still blooming. I have three bushes and each has a different hue one dark and almost purple, one medium tone, and one almost a gray-lavender. In the flower bed I have several purple tulips on their long rangy stalks. On the top of my driveway wall I have a thick carpet of bright pink phlox. The long green blades of my irises are almost knee high with the slender spears of the flower stalks rising above them. They haven’t revealed their colors. They still have their green cloaks wrapped tightly around them, but in the past I have had one bloom with a rich rust and cream centers. Another is cream with pale lavender while another is purple with a buttery yellow center. Dandelions dot my yard, even though I just mowed Thursday. Many of the blossoms have had their youth wooed away by the sun and breeze with cottony tops or bare stalks marking their territory.

I’ve mentioned before the beauty I have seen as I slowed down my daily activities in my morning walks. I must admit I’ve been derelict over the past few mornings and have missed the changing of the seasons into spring. Driving to church Sunday morning I noticed the farms had begun to plow their fields, brown furrows line the roadway. The sheep and cattle dotting the pastures; cows of varied colors and patterns on their hides adds a complexity to the kaleidoscope of the farm scenery.

Sunday evening I was stunned as the shafts of sunlight pierced the clouds overhead and shone on a fallow field. The field had been completely taken over and claimed by wild mustard plants. The bright yellow flowers were illuminated by the spears of sunlight. It almost appeared as if Rumpelstiltskin had figured a way to spin gold from straw. Miracles do happen. We just have to look for them.

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