Friday, December 13, 2024


Last evening it was very cold with the temperature hovering about the twenty degree Farenheit and the wind made it feel much colder. The insult to the frigid situation was that our electric power company scheduled a downtime for an update to their system. The duration for the downtime was from 7:30 pm. To 10 30 pm. For many people that meant no lights, no ability to cook food, heat water, or to warm their homes. Why would they schedule a downtime during a bitter cold time of the year?
We older people don’t tolerate the cold very well any more.n three hours the temperature can drop considerably. Layers of clothing may help, but many people cannot tolerate such a drastic change. There are more than enough power outages caused by weather disasters to keep the linemen of the electric companies busy, why create more.
Now I will share my thoughts on what is actually going on. The governments are making an attempt to force citizens worldwide to rely on the power grid that they control. They would compel people to rely on unreliable sources of energy like solar and wind instead of carbon based fuel. They want to direct and control us. The powers-that-be can shut off our access to energy with the flip of a switch, unlike fuel that is more difficult for them to limit the ease and scope of our mobility. With every action attached to a power-cord, people are put on a leash. It will place a restrictive governor on mankind’s freedom and creativity.
With their control of the power-grid, at any moment they can cut off access to electricity and with the recently installed electricity meters, they have access to each individual meter. They can say, “You have reached your limit” or if you don’t do exactly as we say,” we are shutting off your electricity and we are unably to stop them.
Now that pushes my thoughts to last night. We had no say when the power company would stop the flow of electricity into our homes. Most people were unable heat their homes and were forced to face the frigid temperatures, they had no redress. Fortunately, the loss of electricity was for only hald an hour, but if there had been a problem, it could have been much longer. It is all about creating a tether to limit the choices and freedoms that we have in our lives.

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