Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Are We Thabkful

 Are We Thankful
As the holiday of Thanksgiving grows closer, do we actually take the time to be really thankful for what we have? Most of us have so much to be thankful for and yet are the least thankful people in the world. Being born in the United States alone is one of the greatest blessings that can be imagined. The goodness of that fact is often lost in the everyday worries and chores that we have taken on with family and jobs. The fact that we have employment is something to be thankful for; too many people around the world do not have that option.
When we wnter and walk down the aisles of our local grocery stores we are surrounded by the blessings fill the shelves in a vast cornicopia. We have a wide variety of items from which to choose. Look at just one item bread. How many brands and how many flavors do we see? Are we thankful for our daily bread? We don’t have to eat our bread dry and plain. In one aisle away there are jars of jams, jellies, honey, peanut butters, and nearby there is butter, cheeses, lunch meats, and condiments, and in the condiments there are different brans of mustard, ketchup, or mayonnaise.
In the dairy case, how many sizes and types of milk can we find? They are making “milk” out of nuts and grains; crazy. And we haven’t gotten to the frozen sections of the store. There is everything in those ice caverns from entrees for dinner and breakfast to a huge selection of desserts and ice cream. There are snacks galore behind those wide glass doors.
When we stroll through the fresh fruit and vegetable displays, many people in other countries would not believe the selections of fresh products that are available to Americans. To some it would be like entering Disneyland where there eyes would be wide with disbelief and wonder. I havent shared the meat counters, the deli, or the candy and confection aisles. What about the crackers, cookies, and chip aisle with their shelves brimming with all sorts of tasty goodies?
We must not forget the paper product aisle. The selection of toilet paper staggers the mind, then there are napkins, paper or Styrofoam plates, plastic eating untesils so we can use them and toss them away. There is no need to wash and reuse.
Reach beyond being thankful and be grateful for all that we have.

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