Wednesday, September 6, 2023

 Attempts at Writing
My first attempts at writing were in school when they were assigned by teachers. When I was in college, they were again assigned, but I began to allow my imagination to add color to the project and I enjoyed it. I was always faulty with my punctuation, but for the most part my grammar and spelling was on point. Later, I began to write poetry, some of it wasn’t as good as it could have been because I focused on syllable count and rhyming. I have reams of rhyming poetry and pages of self-taught Haiku.
The first attempt to write a “real” story was a challenge from others at a writers meeting. The group was challenged to write a detective story to be included in a fundraising collection book, I had never considered writing a detective story, but dutifully copied the information, That night as I tried to sleep, I kept waking and jotted down ideas all through the night on my ever-near pencil and pad. By morning, I had the entire storyline in front of me. With some polish and red herring additions, it was finished. I’ve never had a similar experience, but the character of Tommy Two-shoes was born and was the central figure of my next four books. In my mind he was built similar to William Bendix, a solid man wearing brogan shoes. A retired Pittsburgh homicide detective, he was a man who’s seen and done a lot, allowing him to share what he’d done and seen.
Occasionally, I reread those books to see what I could have done better, find errors, or thinking of other ways the plots could have gone. I’m still writing, but at a less furious pace. I’ve gotten sidetracked with other things. I have too many irons in the fire and am often lax on the time I allot myself to write. It could be that I am getting older and am less likely to push myself. Perhaps I need someone else to push me or at least to loan me a cane.
Perhaps the ideas for another plot or character haven’t appeared in the cobwebs of my mind, but I know the creative spark hasn’t gone out completely. I am trying to write another fictional story of a trapper and his dog, but the storyline wanders too much. I will try to find and end of the tale, then go back through weeding out the extraneous lines and subplots. Time will tell.
I do have a Blog and write a posting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I often struggle to find something to different to share and that sucks out some of my creative juices.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy reading your posts and encourage you to allow your thoughts to appear in writing. Our written word will live long after we are gone and hopefully speak to others to remember the way it was. As we grow older many things are done at a more leisurely pace but should be enjoyed more, time to stop and smell the roses and honeysuckle.
