Wednesday, May 24, 2023

 I’m So Disney…
Ever since Walt Disney began to make cartoon movies, they had some kind of magic involved in the plots. Sometimes it would be witches, sometimes dragons, or fairies. It really didn’t matter. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was his first full-length colorized cartoon movie. It reveals a witch, a magic mirror, a sleeping potion, and a charming prince with magic lips. If you check the repertoire of the movies produced while Walt was still alive, magic of some sort was involved.
His amusement parks are based on the very same themes. I was stationed in Florida at the Naval Training Center in Orlando, Florida. I left the year before it actually opened and have never gone back. I was never impressed by the park and am less desirous to visit it today. It’s become a black hole for morals and money and has changed a lovely city into a magnet for tourists, pick-pockets, and predators.
I still have cousins who live there and have become accustomed to the change. They keep asking me to come down for a visit, but I’m afraid I’d be disappointed by the metamorphosis of my memory into a bustling metropolis. In my mind, I can’t reconcile the two images.
When I was stationed in Orlando, I enjoyed time with my aunt Helen Beck Stahl and my uncle Amos Jacob Stahl. Their home was on Mercado Avenue. Sometimes I’d visit my cousin Barbara Stahl Burcham or my cousin Anna Knost. They were pleasant times. I was only off duty every other weekend. If I went fishing with friends instead of visiting one of my relatives, they would get upset.
What I wanted to mention was the fact that many of Walt’s cartoons are being remade. I don’t know what they have added to the remakes, but the old PG classics now carry the rating of PG-13. I don’t plan to pay money to see what additions have turned the classics into movies that parents should be concerned that their children will see them. Have they changed the language or have they inserted suggestive sensual scenes? What have they done? Can’t the screenwriters come up with original ideas? Must they tamper with the original movies by adding inclusivity, wokeness, and gender confusion?
One CEO for Disney supports abortion. Does that make any sense? He seems to want to eliminate the children that are the base of their empire. I shake my head, because it makes no sense to me.

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