Slavery, Holocaust, Abortion
When we look back in America when keeping another person in bondage was legal and they were considered chattel, less than human, we’re appalled at our ignorance and gross misjudgment. It’s with great repugnance that anything this barbaric was considered legal. How could sentient beings think that this could be permissible in a civilized society? We can’t understand how people didn’t speak out sooner to abolish this despicable act. It’s hard to fathom the horrors other humans suffered under cruel masters. But it is history and we’re utterly repulsed by that taint from our past.
Germany rounded up the Jews of Europe, hauling them like cattle to camps where they were enslaved or murdered. The names of Auschwitz, Dachau, Buchenwald, and other cause us to shudder in revulsion. Other nationalities were arrested and forced into prison camps to work, live, and die under the same horrendous conditions. Some to work in the factories of the Nazi war machine and fed scraps that would barely keep them alive; worked to death, then cast aside. Women, children, and the sickly were herded into gas chambers, murder, then cremated in huge furnaces, but not before they were stripped of all valuables. A few healthy people were subjected to torturous medical experiments. All of this horrendous cruelty was tolerated by a “sophisticated” society and encouraged to continue by their leaders. Reviewing history, we shudder at the utter disregard for the sanctity of human rights and life. It’s a deep and ugly scar on world history.
I believe that America will look back in the near future with the same disgust and horror at abortion. The callous society that has allowed innocent infants to be torn from the safety of the mother’s womb then disposed of like garbage is almost unprecedented. I shudder at the lost value of these babies to future generations. How could we have ignored their rights to the promises listed in the Constitution of the United States?
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” These are words taken from that precious document. Why should these innocent children be punished for their parents’ mistake?
I also know the Bible condemns the murder and the harming of children,
but many people don’t believe the truths of the Word of God. Those warnings from
God will cause many to resist those words like they have turned their backs on God.
I can only pray that we will soon look back on the barbaric act of abortion, cataloging
it with the other evils of history.
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