Monday, April 1, 2019

Plots, Subplots, and Red Herrings
Work on my next Tommy Two Shoes Mystery has been going excruciatingly slow. I was somewhat burned out after completing my other four books. I took a hiatus from Tommy and resurrected two others that had been trapped in my files, thinking I couldn’t retrieve them. With the help from the Mt. Pleasant Library stall and my computer repair men I was able to open them to review and to revise.
I’m glad that I was forced to wait to publish them. They stank. I’ve learned so very much since then. After rewriting them, I think they are very good. The first rewrite is called The Walls Came Tumbling Down. It fictionally fills in the blanks of how Rahab the harlot from Jericho falls in love and marries a Jewish enemy. She is named in the lineage of David the King and Jesus.
The second book called Addie is a fictional novel set in the 1940s. It is local and the story line runs from Confluence, Pennsylvania to Mt. Pleasant. A woman who had never known what the word love meant met and began to care for an orphan. When he was taken away by the police, she was at a loss as to what to do.
I am now back to work on the next Tommy Two Shoes Mystery. This one may be a full length novel and not the series of mysteries, but it will have several mysteries wrapped into one cohesive mystery. There are several mysteries that fold into each other with overlapping plots and subplots. I may be including a few rabbit trails just to make things more interesting.
Tommy, Cora, Anna, little Johnny, and many of the previous characters will be revisiting Tommy as well as several new people and “movie stars.” Tommy is hired by a movie production company to be liaison between the city of Pittsburgh, its citizens, and the movie company to facilitate the shoots with minimal interruption to Pittsburgh. Vera and her cafĂ©, Ed her husband, and they will be introducing a new character to the series…in about seven months.
The writing is slow for me, trying to integrate each detail to fit the story and align them with past facts. Who knows, the movie just may make a real killing.

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