Friday, July 21, 2023

I Love a Stormy Night But Not Last Night
Last night I was glad I had stayed up later than normal, if not my house would have been able to float Noah’s Ark. Usually I leave the screened windows open summer evenings so that the cooler night air might come in and cool the house and me. When I gear the approach of a storm, I leap from my bed and rush through the house closing windows. If the storm or I fail to close windows in time, I have small ponds just inside each unclosed window and curtains that are drenched.
I saw that there were storm warnings earlier on the television, but I’d seen warnings the past several nights and I’d seen a few scattered drops of rain. I had more moisture by yesterday’s morning thick fog, so I was unconcerned. I found that too often, the weather person’s prediction is often unreliable.
I was revising a story that I hope will eventually become a book. It’s about a novice trapper and a stray dog’s adventure. The sounds of approaching thunder rolled through the open window into my computer room/office/converted bedroom. I hurried downstairs to close those windows as the wind increased and began to make the curtains dance. I often will almost close the windows entirely allowing about one inch to remain open for circulation; and that’s what I did. I headed back upstairs to do the same.
As I semi-closed the last window, the breeze turned into real gusts of air. The rain started and the wind was so strong, it pushed the rain through the gap in the window. I had to hustle to close the windows completely.
Either the wind or the lightning caused the electricity to flicker, then to cease several times for nearly a minute. I sat in complete darkness except for the fluttering light from the lightning outside, and of course my computer went down. I was glad that I’d saved the changes to my manuscript before I made the marathon dash through my house twice, shutting windows. Looking out my windows this morning I’m thankfully not seeing any storm damage and my apple trees are still filled with ripening fruits.
I know that I will have to upright my front porch patio furniture when I go outside like I have to when I get strong winds, but my basement has remained dry. The morning fog has returned and all is peaceful and quiet.

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