Friday, April 7, 2023

Favorite Color
I don’t really have a favorite color. It changes with my mood. When I was in high school, I wore bland, non-descript clothing. I wore subdued colors mostly gray and black attire. After graduation, I joined the Navy and I advanced to “Navy blue.”  I got an early out to attend college. It was the age of bellbottom pants made of double-knit plaid material or blue jeans. The shirts were polyester; some were covered in wild print. But I believe most of mine were solid colors. I must admit I did wear some double-knit, plaid bellbottoms.
My favorite color after the dreary winter months is green. The grass turns from dull brown to a luxurious “need mowed” green. Shortly thereafter, the yellow of colt’s foot and dandelions add their brightness. Daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, and lilies of the mountain display their colorful hues. Apple and cherry blossoms, forsythia, and the budding leaves fill the trees and bushes. I love those colors too.
The fertile brown of tilled earth soon becomes dotted with green sprouts interspaced with the rich greens of transplanted seedlings. That is also beautiful to me. The changing seasons definitely affects my favorite colors.
Red strawberries and tomatoes display their delicious colors. Soon peppers, peas, and beans dangle on the vines and plants like tasty edible earrings. Harvest time explodes with ripe colors. Different shades say they are ready to be chosen. They are ready for me to enjoy their colors.
All too soon the gardens are empty with stalks that grow brown, ready to be composted for the sake of the next generation. The glorious summer green trees share their magnificent hues of yellow, red, orange, amber, and some even purple. Just like a tapestry, in chorus they become my favorite color.
Slowly they lose their brilliant hues and develop a variety of browns, from a pale tan to a deep crimson-brown. They fall to the ground and remake monochrome tapestry, waiting to be covered by winter’s insulating blanket of snow.
Sometimes winter drifts in and sometime it swirls in, dancing snowflakes arrive. The color that catches my eye is white as it gathers on the tree branches, grass, and bushes. It is in stark contrast to the black branches. Sometimes the freezing rain appears first coating the trees with crystal ice fingers. I’m not sure if crystal can be classified as color, but it sure is beautiful and the sunshine creates rainbows and shimmering scenes.
Choosing a favorite color, probably not, but favorite colors…yes, if I’m in the mood.

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