Monday, February 6, 2023

Complete and Utter madness
The world has lost its common sense, losing common decency, and any kind of morality. What was once considered taboo is being accepted and promoted as normal. The number of murders and violent crimes are on the rise. The poisonous serpent’s bite of illegal drugs are killing people and destroying families, yet our government is supplying “clean” needles to inject this venom or freely dispensing the “anti-venom” to save them to do it all over again. They do little to curtail the flow of the noxious toxins across our borders.
Our nation is promoting ideas and ways of life that was considered a mental illness just a decade ago. These perversions are infiltrating our schools and houses of worship. Our government is giving it legal status and punishing those who don’t agree. The same lusts are swallowing up children into the evil of sex trafficking rings. These innocent babes are sold into slavery to perverts who use them, then either pass them on or toss them away just like a used Kleenex. These defenseless children are being brought into the United States across our borders or being snatched off our streets.
Hundreds of children that should be nurtured in their mother’s womb are being destroyed daily. “Doctors” may use hypertonic solution to scald and kill the child or a vacuum to suck the infant from the womb or sharp instruments to tear apart the child’s flesh to remove it from its safe haven, but the result is always the same…death.
More and more the government is changing laws that were in place to protect our citizens, but are now being twisted to allow, if not encourage evil. Liberal courts and judges are delaying punishment and watering down justice once enforced by our laws. Lawmakers are passing laws that allow criminals to escape retribution for their crimes. District attorneys are deciding which laws to enforce, often putting the criminals back onto our streets. The Bible states, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20
Isaiah 8:11 says, “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.”
There is only one anchor we have for truth and it’s unchanging…the Bible. The laws in America were founded on truths and freedoms found in the Bible. Not only has the government perverted those truths, but theologians have been rewriting the Bible in an attempt to circumvent certain verses or entire chapters. Old and New Testaments God prepares us for meeting Him and His Son, Jesus Christ.

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