Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Who Was That Masked Man

Do you remember watching the ld black and white television sets with Howdy Doody, Hopalong Cassidy, The Cisco Kid, and Roy Rogers. There were many others, including cartoons of Tom Terrific and his wonder dog, Mighty Manfred, Felix the Cat, and Our Gang. Laurel and Hardy as well as the different cartoons of the Merry Melodies. The one television program I am specifically speaking is the Lone Ranger with his faithful sidekick Tonto. They would ride into town on their horses, Tonto on his paint and the Lone Ranger on his white stallion. They were coming to right the wrong that was running rampant.

The distinguishing factor that made the Lone Ranger so memorable was that he wore a mask…not like the ones today that covered the mouth, making speaking little more than mumbles, but his covered his face from the nose upwards. Even as a kid, I wondered how the small mask over the eyes kept folks from recognizing him, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the program.

Today’s masks are worn over the mouth and nose, effectively disguising the person beneath it. Today I stopped at a local stoe for a loaf of bread and lettuce for a salad. I was greeted by a guy with a beard. I managed to catch sight of it before it disappeared beneath the paper shield. He recognized me because I’d just left the store and removed the mask as soon as the door closed behind me. He greeted me with’ “How have you been?” I replied that I was doing well. He nodded and walked into the store. The voice was familiar, but I still don’t know who was talking to me.

Too often when passing people in Wal-Mart I’m able to recognize someone from their hairstyle or their eyes, but not that often. It’s like living in a world of anonymity.

Perhaps that’s what our government wants. If we can’t recognize each other, how can we assemble and stand firm against dictatorial practices. The right to assemble is a Constitutional right, but with whom will you assemble?

One assembly I am most thankful for is attending church services three times each week. Getting out of the house is a true blessing and being with friends and church family. Our choir has been on break for the month of January and will be back together this month. I don’t claim to have an excellent singing voice, but the Scripture sayd to make a joyful noise, and I guess I’m able to do that.

Mask or not, I’m thankful that God recognizes who we are.

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