Friday, March 27, 2020

Innocent Blood
In several Bible passages Jehovah God warns and condemns those who spill innocent blood. He actually hates the people who spill innocent blood, going beyond that to say that it is an abomination. What is more innocent than an unborn child? What is more blameless than an infant in the womb, no guilt, no blame, and so pure? The LORD states His loathing of that person in Proverbs 6:16-19. God doesn’t equivocate. He states His position firmly and clearly.
God also states that He will not hold the land guiltless that allows innocent blood to be shed. In Deuteronomy 19:10, He says He will judge the land that allows abortions. The entire nation will be held accountable for that sin. For too long have we Christians have remained silent, even permitting government tax money paid by you and me to promote and to fund this despicable practice.
An infant in the mother’s womb is an entirely separate being from the mother having a brain and nervous system of its own, a separate heart and circulatory system, and having it has its own blood supply. Often, the unborn infant has completely different blood type than the mother. I don’t understand when humanists make the claim that an unborn child is just a blob of cells. God says that life of the flesh is in the blood. He repeats it in Genesis 9:14 and in Leviticus 17:11 and 14. And the unborn definitely has blood supply of its own.
The LORD despises the evil religions that sacrifice their sons and daughters unto devils and shedding their innocent blood. That act polluted their land. Fifty million voices cry out from the blood soaked ground of the United States alone. How long will Jehovah ignore their cries before He holds America accountable and brings judgment? As a “civilized” nation, we call religions that sacrificed children on altars or threw them into volcanoes to appease their gods as barbarians, yet Americans are much worse. We allow people to sacrifice innocent children for convenience; destroying them as they’re being formed.
God says that He knows the infant while it was yet forming in the secret place of the mother’s womb, Psalm 139:15. He echoes this fact in Jeremiah 1:5 and Isaiah 44:2 when He says that He actually knew the child before He formed them in the belly. He forms and shapes the infant in that secret place. He controls the development of the baby saying the child is fearfully, wonderfully, and marvelously made; even when the infant is yet unperfect, undeveloped, and all its members were not yet shaped. Will we end this slaughter? When will God decide to impose His judgment?

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