Friday, April 5, 2019

So Quickly
This year’s winter weather seemed to hang on like a nagging injury. One day types of weather felt nicer, then the next it almost incapacitated me. I am thankful I no longer have to force myself out to face the storms to go to work. The constant teasing of milder days interspaced with the cold snowy days became a fickle menu of days. Often I was even unable to decide the proper wardrobe to wear, especially if I planned to be gone most of the day. Decisions for dressing was no problem if I stayed at home, flannel jammy bottoms, long-sleeved shirt or sweatshirt hoodies, and thick wool socks.
Winter was unusual this year, because although there was some snow, it didn’t come in stormy drifting clusters, it came in dribs and drabs. I only used my snow blower once to clear my driveway. Usually a push broom and a snow shovel was all that was necessary.
What I found was the most wearing on me was the wind. When the temperatures dropped, it seemed to be an open invitation for the winds to hurtle down from our neighbors to the north. I have friends in Canada and don’t want to complain, but I wish you guys would shut the refrigerator door and not leave it open so often.
The time seemed to drag through those dark frigid winter months. It seemed like spring would never arrive. March, my birth month seemed to drag on interminably. The juxtaposition of cold and mild weather teased me to think old Man Winter had finally capitulated beating a hasty retreat, he would return with force, saying, “Got’cha.”
Robins returned very early this year. I heard them singing, but didn’t see a single one until several weeks later. My miniature daffodils managed to peek above the dried autumn leaves that had accumulated in my flowerbed and a few bright blue crocuses shyly popped up. The grass has started to turn green.
It seems like spring has finally arrived quickly lightening my winter blues and making me feel more lighthearted. Now If only I can get my winter weary body to cooperate, I will start my outside clean-up chores.

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