Monday, March 18, 2019

To Ban or Not to Ban, That Is the Question
There has been much debate, especially lately about banning weapons, particularly about the assault style rifle. It hasn’t stopped there and the “powers-that-be” want to restrict the ownership of nearly every gun ever manufactured… perhaps not muskets. The second amendment to the U. S. Constitution forbids the government from infringing on the rights of its citizens. Our forefathers placed that amendment there for a specific reason, to allow each citizen protection from attack, either to his person, his family, or his property, whether it is from criminals or the government.
The government has already deemed non-prescription drugs are illegal and yet they still flourish. Drugs cause untold numbers of deaths or illnesses. Instead of enforcing those laws, many states are decriminalizing those very drugs. They now give Narcan free-of-charge to prevent the overdoses that laws cannot stop.
Prohibition was another failed attempt to regulate a vice. How many injuries or deaths occur from the overindulgence of alcohol or drugs? How many auto accidents, shootings, and stabbings happen near places that sell drugs or alcohol? Would they have occurred if drugs or alcohol was not present?
The problem isn’t with guns; it’s because there has been a loss of morality and self control. Until society understands that there are absolute truths and moral guidelines, there can be no change.
The government has made it easy for the single parent family to exist, actually paying mothers to live separately from the fathers. It’s removed the stigma of unwed pregnancies. Abortions paid for by the government have reduced the consequences for men, women, and even children from their actions.
Although birth control is readily available, this lack of self control and not understanding the respect for one’s body has now made abortion an “easy” out. Abortion not only tears an innocent child from its mother’s womb, it also rips the soul from the mother. Often Its consequences are not felt until the mother reflects on the gruesome act. Groups whose financial existence relies on abortions endorse and make light of the killing of the unborn. It now extends this immoral act outside of the mother to include infanticide.
The idea of absolute truth and prayer has been tossed out of schools substituting flawed ideas and laws of men. The morality of a foundational truth doesn’t change like the “facts’ mankind creates.
Once scientists declared that the Earth was flat or that the sun revolved around the Earth, but we now know that’s false. Yet the ultimate truth, the Bible was proved correct. There is an absolute truth, but mankind refuses to see or believe it.

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