Monday, January 28, 2019

When people use the word incontinent or incontinence, they most often describe the physical body functions when a person loses control with their bladder or with their bowels. It may come with illness, accident, or even with old age, but is considered a human trait. It is rare that we would use this term when we speak of an animal. It is a natural act. They can be trained to wait or to use certain areas. Without human intervention, they will do what they deem fit.
The word actually means to lose self control, to act upon lusts without responsibility. Thoughts of assault, murder, robbery, rape, coveting a neighbors belongings or wife all are ideations, but when the person loses self-control and acts upon those thoughts, he is incontinent. When a person becomes intemperate, loses understanding of absolute truths that are laid out in Scripture, he or she trespasses and becomes incontinent.
It doesn’t take much for man’s brain to rationalize his immoral thoughts and his transgressions into another person’s freedoms and life, then to act upon them. The words of Solomon in Proverbs say, “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes…”
Men need nothing to feel right in their own hearts, yet they reach out for things that lower that threshold. Alcohol and drugs are but two of these. How many altercations, murders, and robberies were thoughts fueled into action because of these mind altering substances? How many crimes are committed while the perpetrators were under the influence? How many criminal activities are carried out because of the induced slavery of drugs or alcohol? Statistics point to rising numbers of automobile accidents due to intoxication.
Self control is the basic building block of government. Without self control, how can a person direct his family, his church, his community, and state and federal government? The lack of self control shows in the speeches and laws of our politicians. Incontinence shows in the number of single parent families. Self control has caused people to legalize abortion rather than to accept responsibility for their continued incontinence.
It’s time to for us get back to the basics. If we demand our rights, we also need to accept the responsibilities of controlling ourselves.

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