Friday, February 16, 2018

Lights, Headache, and High Water
My story started Wednesday morning when I forgot to take my morning medications, finding them late in the afternoon, too late to take them without interfering with my evening medications. I really didn’t feel the effects until I started with a headache just before evening. It was a dull headache that was exacerbated by the change in weather. The headache remained at a low roar all night after taking analgesics and sitting up to sleep.
Thursday morning, I did a few chores around the house, knowing the rest of the day was shot with things to do outside the house. It was necessary to return two light fixtures to Lowe’s. One had a broken shade and the other wouldn’t fit my antiquated ceiling fan. I did find out I could replace the socket and not the whole fixture. I was so glad to have met the helpful lady in charge of lighting.
My next stop was at Gabe’s. I saw the rugs I wanted for my newly remodeled bathroom. While I was there, I managed to pass out several of my business cards to the friendly woman employees. By the way, the rugs look great, but Willow my cat tries to speed run on them and spins them around.
By now, it’s time to stop for a few items I needed at Walmart. Other than the new self-checkout lines, I love shopping there. I always meet old friends and have a great time talking to the clerks and other employees there. Love you Beverly.
Next, I picked up my granddaughter after school. She wanted to get a snack, so it was back to Walmart for pretzels. They car was filled with her singing and restlessness from her day with school as I drove to pick up my daughter after work. Her car is still out of commission. I delivered them home amid a downpour.
I scooted off to my writers meeting at the Mt. Pleasant Public Library my headache was still very active. I managed to get through the meeting with the rain pouring down. The drive home was challenging. Headlights and the light reflecting back from the highway signs seemed to pierce my brain on the especially dark, cloud-covered drive home. Between the Pennsylvania potholes and the standing water pools, it made the drive home slower, longer, and more treacherous, but I made it, thankful for an end to a very trying day.

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