Friday, September 23, 2016

Yesterday was the last day of summer and the first day of autumn. Those thoughts inspired me to write the following.

Made & Fade
Springtime pries green from winter’s frigid grip.
Snowy winter’s memories grow cold.
White blankets fade, expose brown patches,
Create crystal freshets and lush carpets.
Blossoms scent the path to summer seasons:
Picnics, fireworks, and pools entice.

The last day of summer
Teases with a sunny smile,
The gentle touch of warming breeze,
And the lingering fragrance of new-mown grass
Still linger as pleasantries of passing days.

Daylight grows shorter
The nighttime becomes cooler.
Morning’s dew changes to light hoary frost
Hints of seasons to come.

Foliage dulls and changes hues:
Green to reds, yellows and oranges.
Trees blaze in autumn garments.

Frost thickens, leaves stop holding hands
Then brown and brittle, they fall to earth.

Snow clad branches remain. Summer memories fade and grow cold.

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